
Please note that once a class starts, no one else can enter the room whilst a class is in progress so please ensure that you arrive at an appropriate time to enter the gym.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
16:30 - 18:00 Pro Boxers Pro Boxers Pro Boxers Pro Boxers Pro Boxers
18:00 - 19:00 White Collar and
White Collar and
Advanced / Boxing Circuit Class
White Collar and
White Collar and
Advanced / Boxing Circuit Class
White Collar and
19:00 - 20:00 Boxing Circuit Class Closed Boxing Circuit Class Closed Closed

Pro Boxers -   This session is just aimed at Professional Boxers only.
White Collar and Advanced -   This session is for any White Collar boxers in training for competitions or shows.
Boxing Circuit Class -   All ages and abilities, designed to improve overall fitness, please note this is a mixed session.

- Download a PDF version of the Timetable.